About the Journal

Inaugural Editorial

The Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences (VJAS) is published and owned by the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), and was formerly known as the Bulletin of Agricultural Science and Technology when the first volume was published in 1963. The journal has undergone several name changes over the past 15 years: the Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (Publication License No. 87/GP-BTTTT dated March 17, 2003) and the Journal of Science and Development (Publication License No. 1124/GP-BTTTT dated June 25, 2012). In 2016, the journal was renamed the Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Publication License No. 148/GP-BTTTT dated March 29, 2016, ISSN: 1859-0004). Until now, the journal has published a total of 2000 articles, and the number of published papers per year has gradually increased. Since 2016, the journal has been publishing 12 issues per year in two languages, Vietnamese and English.

Starting in 2018, VJAS is set to launch a full English version of VJAS and publish quarterly both online and in print with the ISSN 2588 – 1299. Each issue will contain 5-10 articles. All submissions will be independently refereed by editorial board members and will undergo rigorous peer-review following international standards from at least two assigned peer reviewers (including one Vietnamese reviewer and one foreign reviewer) who come from universities, institutes, and relevant administrative agencies in Vietnam and from other countries around the world. The aim of VJAS is to be indexed in ISI/Scopus lists within four to six years from its first published issue (August 2018).

The journal’s editorial board includes leading Vietnamese and international scientists who are prestigious and experienced in the journal’s fields, and who have the professional expertise to review manuscripts with a focus on publishing high quality papers. The birth of VJAS was an important milestone in enhancing the accessibility of research results of Vietnamese researchers and integrating international academics as well as in affirming the right direction and feasibility of the Vietnam National University of Agriculture on its journey to become the leading scientific research center in the fields of agriculture and rural development in Vietnam.

The English version of VJAS is devoted to publishing papers, both scientific articles and reviews or mini-reviews, from all areas related to agriculture disciplines, especially those focusing on crop sciences, plant protection, animal sciences, veterinary medicine, aquaculture, engineering, electricity, soil and fertilizers, ecology and the environment, biotechnology, food technology, economics and rural development, and information technology.

It is our desire that VJAS will be given much attention and cooperation from readers, researchers, and scholars in Vietnam as well as from around world, and we welcome valuable ideas, comments, and suggestions for improving the scientific quality of VJAS.  



Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien