Growth and Physiological Responses of Sugarcane to Drought Stress at an Early Growth Stage

Date Received: May 14, 2020

Date Published: May 15, 2020





How to Cite:

Khuynh, B., Thang, V., Chinh, V., & Thom, P. (2020). Growth and Physiological Responses of Sugarcane to Drought Stress at an Early Growth Stage. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2(4), 451–460.

Growth and Physiological Responses of Sugarcane to Drought Stress at an Early Growth Stage

Bui The Khuynh (*) 1 , Vu Ngoc Thang 1 , Vu Dinh Chinh 1   , Pham Thi Thom 1

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Agronomy, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Sugarcane, drought stress, growth, physiological response


    A pot experiment was conducted in a net house to evaluate the effects of drought stress (a 20-day water withholding treatment from 100-120 days after planting) on the growth and physiology of five sugarcane cultivars. The results showed that water stress at an early stage significantly affected sugarcane growth and physiology. Water stress resulted in reductions in plant height, stalk diameter, and leaf number of sugarcane, in addition to reductions in the photosynthetic pigment content, Fv/Fm, and SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development) readings after the 20-day withholding water period (120 DAP), and in stem, root, and leaf fresh weights, and leaf area at 150 DAP. Besides, drought stress led to increases in stomata density and decreases in stomata length. Variation was also found among the cultivars in response to water stress. Significant genotypic differences in stem fresh weight and leaf area under water stress among the cultivars were observed. The highest value of stem fresh weight under stressed conditions was recorded in ROC22 (50.6 g), followed by QĐ159 (46.5g), ROC16 (46.2g), ROC10 (46.1g), and VL06 (44.4g). However, the highest DTI was recorded in ROC16, followed by VL06, ROC10, QĐ93-159, and ROC22, respectively.


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