Climate Change and Farmers' Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Rice Producers in Nghe An Province, Vietnam

Date Received: Aug 03, 2021

Date Published: Mar 30, 2022







How to Cite:

Bien, V., Tien, H., Son, N., Vinh, B., Quan, N., Hanh, D., … Phuong, T. (2022). Climate Change and Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Rice Producers in Nghe An Province, Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(1), 1359–1374.

Climate Change and Farmers' Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Rice Producers in Nghe An Province, Vietnam

Vu Thanh Bien (*) 1 , Ho Nguyen Diem Tien 2 , Ngo Thanh Son 1 , Bui Le Vinh 1 , Nguyen Van Quan 1 , Do Thi Duc Hanh 1 , Pham Duy Khanh 1   , Tran Trong Phuong 1

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 2 Faculty of Economics and Law, Tien Giang University, Tien Giang 861000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Climate change, rice, adaptation strategy, multivariate probit, Nghe An


    This research aimed at assessing climate trends and adaptation strategies to the impacts of climate change on rice producers in Nghe An province. For the first objective, multiple graphs, the Mann–Kendall test, and Sen’s Slope test were employed to analyze the secondary data of rainfall, temperature, and rice yield in Nghe An from 1995 to 2019. The results showed that the rice productivity of Nghe An increased over the 25-year period, annual rainfall decreased in the winter-spring season, and annual temperature increased in the summer-autumn season. For the second objective, primary data were collected by conducting household surveys of 396 households in Nghe An province. Sixty-two percent of farmers did not adopt any adaptive strategies, while other strategies included changing the planting schedule, growing stress-tolerant crops, improving irrigation practices, and utilizing fertilizer and other good practices. Multivariate probit regression (MVP) was employed to analyze the factors affecting the adaptation strategies of households in the study area. The results of MVP showed that age, education, gender, household size, farm size, cooperative, farmer organization, extension services, access to credit, access to irrigation, rainfall, and living in Quynh Luu or Dien Chau significantly affected the farmers’ choice. The results implied that farmers can obtain advanced technology, social learning, and community practices by participating in farmer organizations and cooperatives. In specified area, local authorities should invest in improving irrigation systems, practicing land consolidation, practicing special farming techniques, and providing timely weather forecasts for enhancing farmers’ resilience. 


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