Study on Meat Yield and Quality Characteristics of Hac Phong Chicken

Date Received: Feb 22, 2022

Date Accepted: Sep 22, 2022

Date Published: Sep 30, 2022







How to Cite:

Giang, N., Vinh, N., Giang, N., & Dang, P. (2022). Study on Meat Yield and Quality Characteristics of Hac Phong Chicken. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(3), 1529–1536.

Study on Meat Yield and Quality Characteristics of Hac Phong Chicken

Nguyen Thi Phuong Giang (*) 1 , Nguyen Thi Vinh 1 , Nguyen Thi Chau Giang 1   , Pham Kim Dang 1

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Animal Science, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Hac Phong chicken, meat yield, meat quality


    The study aimed to evaluate meat yield and meat quality of Hac Phong chickens. A total of 100 birds (50 males and 50 females)from 1 days of agewas raised at the experimental station of Faculty of Animal Science, Vietnam National University of Agriculture . The chickens were fed ad libitum with a complete compound feed. Twenty chickens (10 males and 10 females) were slaughtered at 20 weeks of age with an average live weight of 1303.70 kg. The results found the carcass, breast, and thigh meat percentages were 70.36%, 16.16%, and 22.42%, respectively. The pH value at 15 min and 24 h post-mortem were in the normal range. The color of the meat was dark. The L* (lightness) value was low. The drip loss and cooking loss percentages were low while the tenderness was high. Hac Phong chicken meat contained a high crude protein content (27.71%) and low cholesterol content (25.45%).


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