Environmental Efficiency of Pig Production in Chuong My District, Hanoi

Date Received: Jul 25, 2023

Date Published: Dec 30, 2023







How to Cite:

Huong, L., & Duy, L. (2023). Environmental Efficiency of Pig Production in Chuong My District, Hanoi. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(4), 1992–2003. https://doi.org/10.31817/vjas.2023.6.4.09

Environmental Efficiency of Pig Production in Chuong My District, Hanoi

Le Thi Thu Huong (*) 1   , Luu Van Duy 2

  • Corresponding author: luuvanduy@gmail.com
  • 1 Faculty of Accounting and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 2 Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    data envelopment analysis, pig production, Tobit, undesirable output


    Chuong My is a suburban district of Hanoi with a rapid development of pig farming, accompanied by the problem of environmental pollution. For the sustainable development of livestock production, besides improving production efficiency, it is necessary to reduce environmental pollution. This study measured production efficiency considering environmental factors (environmental efficiency) to assess the sustainability of pig farms in the district. This study used the data envelopment analysis (DEA) model with undesirable output (COD emissions) to measure environmental efficiency in pig production. The research results showed that the average production inefficiency score was 1.07, while the average environmental inefficiency score was 1.19. This shows that if environmental factors are not considered, the measurements of production efficiency are biased. Using Tobit regression, the study showed that the factors that increased environmental efficiency were the installation of biogas digesters and the pollutant removal efficiency of manure treatment facilities. Meanwhile, increases in the volume of wastewater discharging into the treatment plants reduced environmental efficiency. These findings confirm the importance of biogas plants in manure treatment in Vietnam. To improve environmental efficiency, it is necessary to enhance the efficiency of treatment facilities and apply water-saving technologies in livestock production.


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