Protection of Geographical Indications in Vietnam: towards Raising the Participation of Producers

Date Received: Oct 21, 2020

Date Published: Aug 11, 2021





How to Cite:

Hanh, N., Anh, T., Yen, L., Tuan, V., & Hai, N. (2021). Protection of Geographical Indications in Vietnam: towards Raising the Participation of Producers. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(2), 1087–1099.

Protection of Geographical Indications in Vietnam: towards Raising the Participation of Producers

Nguyen Thi Minh Hanh (*) 1 , Trinh Thi Ngoc Anh 1 , Le Thi Yen 1 , Vu Van Tuan 1   , Nguyen Thanh Hai 2

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Social Sciences, Vietnam National University of Agriculture Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 2 Faculty of Biotechnology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Intellectual property rights, geographical indications, local products


    This paper aims to review the current situation of the Vietnamese geographical indication (GI) system from both the legal and practical perspectives. It examines how the top-down approach influences the effectiveness and sustainability of the whole system. Further, the paper refers to the European Union (EU)’s experiences, particularly those of France - a representative of the bottom-up approach - to examine whether a shift to the producer-driven approach in GIs is workable in Vietnam. The paper argues that more active roles should be vested on producers represented by their associations during the course of establishment and management of GIs. Taking into account the capacity of producers and their associations in this current stage, the paper suggests a transition period before the producers assume the leading role in the whole system. During that period, it is recommended to endorse the producers’ role through legal recognition of the producers’ representative organizations, capacity building, and awareness-raising for producers and their associations to achieve desirable outcomes for GI development.


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